Not the reason for which I would have preferred to participate in a Tehillim group for the first time
Here, again, are the names of the captured chayalim, soldiers, of Tzahal (Tzava Haganah L'Yisrael), the Israel Defense Force (IDF).
Gilad ben Aviva Shalit
Ehud ben Malka Goldwasser
Eldad ben Tovah Regev
And here are the names of the children critically injured in the bombing of Tzfat (Safed), thanks to the Orthodox Union.
Michal bat Revital
Bat-Tzion bat Revital
Avraham Natan ben Revital
Odel Hannah bat Revital
And since the women who know what they're doing tell me that this prayer isn't reserved for weekday Torah services only, as I had thought, I'll post it, as it's just about the most appropriate prayer I've seen:
Acheinu kol beit Yisrael, ha-n'tunim b'tzarah u-v'shivyah, ha-omdim bein ba-yam u-vein ba-yabashah, haMakom y'rachem aleihem, v'yotziyeim mi-tzarah li-r'vachah, u-mei-afeilah l'orah, u-mi-shibud li-r'gulah, ha-sh'ta ba-agalah u-vi-z'man kariv, v-nomar, amen.
(From a translation given to me by a sister employee, copied, she said, from the OU website:)
"If any of our fellow Jews are in jeopardy or are entrapped, whether overseas or at home, may the Almighty take pity on them and deliver them from trouble to relief, from gloom to bright light, and from tyranny to freedom, urgently, swiftly, and very soon, and let us say, amen."
We used to say Acheinu whenever we had a special Tehillim gathering, after we'd said all the others that we planned to.
Ezzie, that certainly makes sense. I can't think of a single other prayer that I know that addresses this tragic and frightening situation so directly.
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